New titles and new records for Fallston soccer

Raley Elliott, Staff Reporter

Fallston’s Men’s and Women’s soccer teams traveled to Loyola University this weekend to face off against Brunswick and South Carroll for the State Championship titles. The women’s team brought back the State Title for the second year in a row. While the men’s team didn’t finish on top, they put up a good fight and broke a school record.  

The women’s team played first at 12:00 on Saturday defeating South Carroll High School. Within the first 30 seconds of the game, senior captain Katherine King scored the first goal of the game. South Carroll ended up gaining the lead by the end of the first half with a score of 2-1. Even South Carroll’s beast of a goalie didn’t stop our Cougars, though. By using their heads, they took control of the field again. Katherine King, with the assists of Junior Abby Richard and Sophomore Sarah Farally, scored two more goals,

tying and then defeating South Carroll. Katherine King led the Fallston Women’s Soccer Team to becoming back-to-back State Champions. 

 Head Coach of the Women’s Soccer Team, Jon Salbeck, said he felt “relieved” after Saturday’s win. As this is his first year coaching the team, he was nervous bringing in a new staff since last year’s team was undefeated, which was “a hard thing to follow up,” he said. He says that even after the first half being down by one, the girls were “calm and still thinking [they] got this” in the locker room. He is grateful to the Fallston community for showing up and “having [their] back” in order to win back-to-back State Championships, a difficult task made to look easy by the women’s team and coaching staff. Thankful to the “great group and great staff,” Coach Salbeck is excited for next season as it looks “very promising.” 

The Men’s Team went into the game looking for revenge. Playing against Brunswick High School, who defeated them last year in the State Championship, the team was on the hunt for a win. The Cougs started off strong with Senior Captain, Ethan Salsa, scoring the first goal with the assist of Senior Ben Kripas. The amazing defense of senior goalie Dylan Kreis, who made numerous saves, wasn’t enough for Fallston as Brunswick ended up having a 2-1 lead by the end of the first half.

When all hope seemed to be lost for the Cougars, senior captain Jayden Dillard, with the assist by senior Dylan Shepherd, scored, tying the game in the last 4 minutes. The game then went into overtime.

Unfortunately, Brunswick scored first with 9 minutes left in overtime, making them the State Champions. Although they did not win the State Title this year, other accomplishments were made on the men’s team. Senior Captain Christian Worthington (#17), set a new school record for “Most Goals Scored in a Single Season,” with 30 goals, leaving his impression on the Fallston field.  

Both the Men’s and Women’s teams had a strong season this year. The Fallston community congratulates both teams and coaches for an inspiring season well done.