The valiant veterans of FHS

Kelli McGee and Julianna Mullen

Ever since 1954, November 11th has been Veterans Day – a time to celebrate and honor some of the finest men and women the United States has to offer, those who protect and serve in order to ensure America remains ‘the home of brave and the land of the free.’ At Fallston High, frequent substitute Mr. David Easter and math teacher Mr. Thomas Ensminger have served in the military.  

Mr. Easter posed by the Jeep he drove around Korea. Photo courtesy of Mr. Easter

Mr. Easter – who is currently the long-term sub for Mrs. Garfinkel, the Chemistry teacher – served in the Army between March 1966 and March 1968. In his time, he was a combat medic, most notably on a 13-month tour in Korea. He explains, “For me it was working in a very small medical unit in Korea and going out on patrols at night along the militarized zone and I accompanied other units as the medic.” 

One of his main take-aways was the medical training he got to learn. He adds, “After I got out of the service, we had an explore post up here which was medical orientated and me and my wife were certified with the red cross first aid, and CPR.”

To Mr. Easter, Veteran’s Day is devoted to those who put their life on the line for our country. He says, “Since I didn’t see that kind of action, yeah, they shot at me a couple of times, but I wasn’t in the thick of things. I rarely think of myself as a veteran.”  

Mr. Ensminger dressed in his formal uniform with the flag proudly in sight. Photo courtesy of Mr. Ensminger

Mr. Ensminger was in the Army from 1990-1992 and in his two and half years he was a part of the Mission Operating Service (11C) which were mortars. He says, “I was right behind the front line. 100-200 yards away there are guys putting bombs into tubes and launching.”  

One lasting memory he has from his time serving was watching the Berlin Wall be taken down while he was in Germany. To him, Veteran’s Day has a clear purpose. He explains, “It means to respect those who served and gave their lives for our country.” 

Thank you for your service, Mr. Easter and Mr. Ensminger!