Chef Richie’s Baking Corner

Double Chocolate Chip Oatmeal & Banana Muffins

With enough chocolate anything will be good! Photo Courtesy of Show me the Yummy

Kelli McGee, Staff Reporter

Check out Mrs. Richie’s very own yummy muffin recipe. Try it and let us know what you think in the comments below!

Mrs. Richie says: This recipe came about because I had two overripe bananas. I searched for a recipe online to incorporate bananas into a muffin and where I could use some leftover dark chocolate chips.  I added the oats to increase the fiber content.  



2 cups all-purpose flour 

1 cup granulated sugar 

1 tsp baking powder 

1 tsp baking soda 

½ tsp kosher salt 

2 Tbs cocoa powder 

½ cup old fashioned rolled oats (soak in 2 Tbs of hot water, to soften oats) 

1 large egg 

½ cup vegetable or canola oil, you can also use coconut or avocado oil  

½ cup plain yogurt (I used vanilla yogurt) 

1 tsp vanilla extract 

1 cup (2-3 mashed) overripe bananas 

1 cup dark chocolate chips  



Pre-heat Oven to 350 degrees 

In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa powder and salt.  

In a small bowl mix together egg, oil, yogurt, vanilla, bananas and water-soaked oats. 

Add the eggs mixture to the flour mixture and then fold in dark chocolate chips, scoop into prepared muffin pan, baked approximately 20-25 minutes.