FHS musicians shine across the county

The music department’s All-County round-up

Nathaniel Hawk, Staff Reporter


This year, multiple students from band, chorus, and orchestra tried out for all-county music groups. The all-county program gives musicians the opportunity to participate in an advanced ensemble under the direction of a guest conductor. It also gives them the

opportunity to work and learn with their peers from other schools. The guest conductor conducts the final rehearsals and concert. Congratulations to everyone who tried out and especially those who made it!

All-County Orchestra  

Brynn Seergae (Violin 1) 

Lizzie Urdaneta (Violin 2) 

Claire Dunn (Viola) 

Maggie Leiteer (Cello) 

All-County Chorus  

Sydney Olson (Alto) 

Julianna Giglio-Tos (Alto) 

All-County Band  

Logan Murphy (Flute) 

Sara Dorsey (Clarinet) 

Amanda Dorsey (Flute) 

E.V. Freeman (Clarinet) 

Zach Olszyk (Low Brass)  

All-County Jazz Band 

Noah Walter (Saxophone)