Kelli’s hot takes

Kelli McGee, Staff Reporter

Football is so uninteresting to watch 

Although I’ve been to quite a few school football games, it definitely wasn’t to watch the game. I really don’t think it’s interesting to watch people try and get the ball past the line, but every minute they have to reset again. The game that you think would be only an hour and a half always end up being 3 hours.  The only time I will willingly watch football at home in my free time is for the Superbowl and even then, it’s just because we make a lot of great food for the game. 

Alyssa Weber a huge Bengals fan would surely disagree with my opinion on football. Photo courtesy of Christian Weber

Vegetables are Better than Fruit  

Coming from someone who doesn’t like fruit, vegetables are so much better. Yes, you heard that right; I don’t like fruit. Although I admit fruit smells like it should be a nice bite of freshness, I’ve always ended up disappointed. I don’t even know how to describe it. I guess it’s a combination of texture and taste that really gets me disgusted with them. Vegetables not only taste better to me, but I feel like there are so many more options with vegetables. 

Megan Watts may say she likes fruit, but still refuses to eat this apple. Photo courtesy of Kelli McGee


Mr. Taylor is Superior  

Despite what other students think, Mr. Taylor still takes the crown in my book for teachers. I’m really taking a hit not having him this year.  Between the person and the ball song and his constant nicknames, he is absolutely hilarious. Although his class may be challenging, he has been by far one of my favorite teachers. Sometimes that’s all it takes; having a great teacher can make the class that much more bearable. But I do have to say after hearing it all year, I was done hearing flip it over and get an A. Let’s face it: when it came to his tests, I never got an A. All said and done though, I still come home talking about Mr. Taylor. I think that says enough. 

Per usual, Mr. Taylor rocks his graphic button-up shirt. Photo courtesy of Kelli McGee