Fallston’s New Year’s Resolutions

Addy Rebasti, Staff Reporter

Every New Year, people all around the world set goals for themselves that year. Let’s hear some of Fallston’s students’ goals for the year! 

Photo Courtesy of Bryanna Krowe

Bryanna Krowe- “To learn tricks and rhythms on my new drum set I got for Christmas!” 

Photo Courtesy of Addy Rebasti

Irie Wolfe- “Not spend as much money on useless things.” 

Photo Courtesy of Addison Dodson

Addison Dodson- “Do better and don’t care what others say.” 

Photo Courtesy of Addy Rebasti

Anita Garcia- “To spend more time with my family!” 

Photo Courtesy of Addy Rebasti

Axel Trillini- “Get my money up!” 

Photo Courtesy of Addy Rebasti

Paul Kvech- “Win a state championship for baseball. 

Photo Courtesy of Addy Rebasti

Angelina Velez- “Learn how to properly avoid objects while driving.” 

Photo Courtesy of Addy Rebasti

Claire Musser- “Learn how to cook.” 

Photo Courtesy of Xavier Castillo

Xavier Castillo- “To graduate high school by getting strong grades, doing all the work assigned, and putting my best foot forward.” 

Photo Courtesy of Addy Rebasti

Caleb Konkle- “To go sub a minute in my 100 Breaststroke.”