Now showing: Mamma Mia

Jules Vendetti is spinning with excitement about the production of Mamma Mia. Photo Courtesy of Angelina Velez

Addy Rebasti, Staff Reporter

Here the Drama company goes again! How could we resist seeing Mamma Mia on April 28th and 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the Fallston High School Auditorium. Mr. Houck, the director, says, “[he] hopes that this energetic show brings out people who have not seen our shows before and brings in interest for future productions at Fallston.”  

The story follows Sophie and her single mother, Donna, who live together in Greece. Sophie has just turned twenty and is getting married. There’s just one problem: she wants to invite her dad, but she doesn’t know who it is. Sophie discovers an old journal of her mother’s and finds out there are three possibilities of who her father could be. She decides to invite all three of them to her wedding in hopes of finding out which one is her father.  

The cast is putting together a great show and it is clear to see as ITS President, Bella Glorioso – who plays Donna – says, “I’m elated about the cast and having new people join in our wonderful company! The show is wonderful and I’m hoping that we bring the spirit of ABBA alive with our performances!” 

When it came to auditions, the turnout was a lot bigger than in the past couple of years. Sophie, played by Jules Vendetti, has this to say about the new cast and show: “The thing that stands out to me most about our production of Mamma Mia is the amount of enthusiasm everyone has – both cast and tech. We have all been super excited to put on this show for so long now, and that energy is bound to show on the stage. Our biggest goal is to give that same energy and excitement to the audience!” 

Bella and Jules are joined by a fantastic ensemble and 11 supporting characters. See the cast below: 

Sophie- Jules Vendetti 

Donna-Bella Glorioso 

Sam- Lawrence Acevedo 

Bill- Eli Marini 

Harry- Zack Patton 

Sky- Eric Vanderbeek 

Tanya- Morgan Bolesta 

Rosie- Liv Querns 

Lisa- Chloe Mullineaux 

Ali- Cece Campbell 

Pepper- Nate Hawk 

Eddie- Jupiter Moore 

Father Alexandrios- Juniper DeNichilo 

Ensemble- Lily Shoobridge, Kay Lindhorst, Angelina Velez, Brynn Skrocki, Abby Jester, Sydney Levesque, Corinne Carlson, Tori Miller, Careina Rowe, Matilda Blouin, Kaylee Spiegel, and Madison Tran