I wake up and check the weather. 60 degrees! I jump out of bed. I dig out my favorite shorts from the back of my closet. I put them on and finally feel like myself again.
I go downstairs and practically skip out to my car. I put all my windows down and blast Zach Bryan. I arrive at school before 7:28 a.m. for the first time this school year.
I go in to school and have the most productive day of the year. I turned in all my missing work, and for the cherry on top, I got to eat my lunch outside.
As I leave school, I have never felt so happy. I drive to Starbucks. A refresher in hand, sunglasses on, windows down, music blasting – I have never felt better. I get home and instead of going to my bed for my daily four-hour nap, I decide to sit outside until my friends pick me up.
We go on a hike. I feel a pep in my step that I haven’t felt in months. Then I go get a sweet treat. I sit there thinking life has never been better. It was like all the depression and every problem I faced magically left my body when spring came.