This past month, the creators of Ghostbusters have added a new movie to their franchise, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. This new movie maintains a lot of the nostalgia from the first movie by bringing in old characters and familiar faces while also adding a new layer to the story by following the adventures of the Spengler family.
This movie follows the Spenglers to the iconic home of the original Ghostbusters in New York City where they are staying in the firehouse of the former Ghostbusters and living the normal day to day life of busting ghosts. But this does not last for long, as the mayor begins trying to plot against them, saying they are causing too much damage to public places and not doing any good for the city.
However, all of that changes after a new threat hits New York – a mysterious cube that appears to be holding a very powerful spirit – a spirit plotting to release all the ghosts ever captured back into the world – and it is up to the Ghostbusters to stop it.
All in all, I would say that the movie is a decent follow up to its predecessors. The movie is nostalgic, but it is more serious than many of the previous movies, making it more memorable. However, the final ghost is a little scary for younger audiences, so if you’re a parent planning to take a child make sure your kid is okay with a bit of a scarier movie.
In the end, if you like the Ghostbusters franchise and have been thinking about seeing Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, give it a watch. It’s a bit more serious, so it has a more entertaining plot, there’s a lot of nostalgic characters, and the movie was overall well made. But be careful if you plan to take a kid with you, because they might get scared by the end ghost.