Recently within Fallston High School, Brynn Seymour, Auggie McCarthy, and Joey Seman have started a chapter of the non-profit organization Project Orange. In an effort to provide accessible personal hygiene products, the juniors plan to set up stations in each locker room with travel-sized deodorants, toothbrushes, toothpastes, and other items of that nature. “Our mission is to create a welcoming environment within our school and eliminate boundaries set up due to students’ inaccessibility to hygienic items,” says one of the Project Orange leaders, Brynn Seymour.
But what influenced the students to start this project? Joey Seman attributes the inspiration by saying, “Here at Fallston, I have seen a culture of always needing to look successful and independent. Fallston students who don’t have basic hygiene necessities at this school struggle with confidence which also takes away from the purpose of school.” They got the idea from seeing it at other high schools in the DC area, and through the Lead4Change program the leaders are involved with in their Marketing class, this was the perfect opportunity for their service project.
As for the future of Project Orange, Auggie, Joey, and Brynn plan to expand their supply in the 4th quarter as well as keeping it running after their graduation. “Upgrading where it is, where it’s stored, and what it supplies would be great. We want Project Orange to continue and provide students with their necessities,” says Auggie McCarthy.
It’s very admirable that these students have put their resources towards something to help their peers. Check out the station in the locker rooms starting February 10th if you’re ever in need of hygienic products.