As we celebrated the ball dropping over the break, along came the goals and hopes for our new year of new beginnings. Let’s hear about what Fallston High School has planned for the upcoming year.
Brynn Seymour – Score a 5 on AP Exams
The beginning of May is a dreadful time for many of us AP test takers. As for Brynn, studying for the exams early, is a great way to “help [her] get into the colleges [she] wants and help create better studying habits.” In preparation to take the AP U.S History, AP Microeconomics, and AP Language and Composition exams, Brynn plans to focus in class, and “start studying soon to be better prepared.”
Jackson Hunsinger – Keep good habits
While many people think a new year means completely new goals, there is also something to be said about keeping up with good practices. For Jackson, going to the gym consistently, completing schoolwork, and having more time for hobbies, such as music, are what he plans to stay focused on for the following year. “I haven’t taken New Year’s goals as seriously in the past year, but I hope to change that in 2025,” explains Jackson. By doing so he will keep his goals “organized and specific, so [he] knows exactly what [he’s] going for and what [he’s] trying to achieve.”
Auggie McCarthy – Rely less on Snapchat AI
In the spring of 2023, a chatbot appeared on a popular app among many teenagers: Snapchat. With this new easy access to a source of artificial intelligence, many students, including Auggie, fell victim to it. With the ability to not only name and customize your personal AI, it can also provide answers to any questions users may have regarding schoolwork. “I use my AI a couple times a day… am I proud of it? No,” Auggie explains. While this can be a good resource for school assignments, it is very easy to take advantage of. Instead, Auggie plans to use it to check math problems that she’s already done. “I don’t want to be dependent on it; I want to use it to learn,” says Auggie.
Ben Montoya – Be more swag than the year before
This New Year’s resolution is definitely the most unconventional out of them all; however, for Ben, he intends to use the new year as “an experiment with [his] style, try new things, and branch out.” According to Ben, a more explicit definition of “swag” is “looking the most lit out of everyone in the room and being confident in not only your outfit choice, but your attitude too.” Lastly, Ben adds that “2025 is the year of swag, and Ben and swag go together.”
Jenny Phillips – Wake up at 5:00 in the morning
For Jenny, she believes, “good habits, healthy living, and overall, a good mindset” will be the payoff to her driven goals of waking up at 5:00 a.m. During this time, she plans to get in a good workout in order to see results over time. Not only does this benefit her physically, but “getting a good workout before school will clear my head,” she adds.