Mr. Milanoski and Mrs. Zengel have recently brought a new addition to Fallston’s students’ lunchtime: Trivia Tuesdays are a new fun way to spend your lunches. Inspired by the gift of his trivia calendar Mr. Milanoski received last year, he and Mrs. Zengel decided to bring the trivia excitement to student lunches.
“Last year, I received a trivia calendar as a present from one of the secretaries,” Mr. Milanoski shared. “Every day in the office, we get trivia questions, which we enjoy in the main office.” Mrs. Zengel thought, ‘Why not do it with the kids?’ and we figured out how to do it at lunches.”
The rules are simple. Students form teams of up to six people and compete without the use of cell phones or computers to look up answers. Points are awarded for correct answers, and teams can wager points for the final question. The team with the most points wins a free snack from the cafeteria. In the case of a tie, a tiebreaker question determines the winner.
This past Tuesday was the first trivia game. Groups of students formed at some lunch tables while some tables took the chance to spectate. “It was a lot of fun and it made lunch more interesting,” says Junior Kaylee Dillard. “I for one would love for this to continue.”
For those who chose to spectate, many believed it was an interesting and engaging way to spend their lunchtime. Freshman Ben Montoya claimed, “I got more into it than I thought I would,” and advised that “if you’re nervous to do it, just do it, it’s fun!”
“I will for sure be playing next week! I am a big fan of trivia, so this was a lot of fun for me,” Kaylee expressed. The trivia games are set to continue throughout the month of February. It’s possible that this could become a Fallston tradition. Will you play next time?