Among my friends and family, I’m often known for sparking controversy for voicing my opinions. They’re not typically the most agreed upon statements and usually cause much debate, especially in Journalism. However, I believe them to be complete and utter fact, and usually don’t recognize the fact that my loved ones think I’m odd. I thought I’d share a few of my most controversial takes and maybe help a reader of The Print feel seen, heard, and valued.
Peas are the best vegetable
Little pearls of sweetness, how could anyone turn these down? I personally love peas, specifically the frozen kind (canned peas are far too mushy), and many of my peers and even Mrs. Price said that it’s weird that out of all vegetables, peas are my favorite. But they’re just so delightful and delicious. Me and my younger sister even eat them straight from the freezer sometimes, they’re like nature’s Dippin Dots.
Q is the worst Impractical Joker by far
To me, Q just doesn’t compare to the rest of the squad. I just don’t think he’s as funny or creative as Sal, Joe, or Murr. Many have said Murr is the worst Joker, but personally, I have a soft spot for Murr. I’d even go as far as putting Murr in my second favorite spot, after Sal of course.
Gnomeo & Juliet is the best animated movie
Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows of my love and passion for the absolute masterpiece that is Gnomeo & Juliet. From the soundtrack to the characters to the story, I have absolutely no notes. The scene when Gnomeo and Juliet are fighting for the orchid is enough to show how this movie should’ve won every Oscar in the book. Others think my obsession is weird, but they just don’t get it like I do.
Eggs are the worst food ever
I HATE eggs. I have hated them my entire life. They smell so bad and the texture is absolutely vile. I don’t understand how anyone can ingest such a despicable substance. Just thinking about them makes me nauseous. However, I will eat things with egg ingredients, but don’t you dare ever offer me an egg sandwich and NEVER even think about putting mayo on my food.
Drake isn’t all that
I know I’ll probably get a lot of hate for this one, but I don’t like Drake. I find his voice rather annoying and nasally, and his music is mediocre at best. I know many people find appeal in Drake’s music whether it be for the lyrics or the message or the beat, but I really don’t understand it.