Halloween according to Nate

Nathaniel Hawk, Staff Reporter

Halloween. Personally, I quite like the idea. Why would anybody dislike a night where you can pretend to be whatever you want. You also get free candy, but that’s not really the point. Really, how many kids want free candy? 

 Halloween could have been invented as a weird social experiment. Either what will people dress as, or a bizarre excuse for people to argue. Seriously, for a holiday, Halloween is so heavily contested. I mean, what’s the best candy? You haven’t lived until watching high school kids argue about candy. Is it 25 cent junk food? Yes. Is someone going to jump you if you disagree with why Twix are the best? Also, yes! 

Not only that question, but the question of how old is too old to Trick-or-Treat? Don’t bring that up in front of anyone. Answers range from 80 years old to needing to stop after you can speak in full sentences. Personally, candy is candy, and 80-year-olds dressed as frogs is funny to me.  

That brings up another point: Halloween costume creativity. Seriously, I went to Spirit Halloween, and it seems like the most popular costumes are things like “Sexy Toasters.” What happened to dressing like Batman? Where did my childhood curl up and disappear to?!  

In all seriousness, I love Halloween, and I encourage everyone to go out and celebrate the way they want to. You want to be a sexy toaster? Go for it! I’ll make fun of you, but by all means have fun; that’s what the holiday is about after all. That and celebrating murders and death! Happy Halloween!