A Closer Look at The Tech Crew

A “family photo” of the Tech Crew. Photo courtesy of Eli Marini

Addy Rebasti, Staff Reporter

The Fallston High School Tech Crew works in the shadows. They are unseen – unless something has gone terribly wrong. They build the sets, control the lighting and sound, move the sets, do the hair and make-up: the tech crew does it all. But oftentimes their work goes completely unnoticed. The fact is that without them the show could not and would not go on. Take a closer look at some of the members: 

Trinity Brenner  

Backstage Manager 

How do you feel about Clue? “[It’s] a good kind of chaos” 

Favorite Food: Sushi 

Faith Hopkins 

Prop Master 

How do you feel about your experience as prop master? “It allows for your skills to be expressed into something interesting” 

Favorite Color: Green 

Kay Lindhorst 


How do you feel about Clue? “I love the relationships formed and watching the show slowly piece together!” 

Favorite Song: “Why Won’t They Talk to Me” by Tame Impala  

Delaney May 

Light Cues 

How has Clue been going? “Clue has been wonderfully chaotic in its production so far” 

Favorite Food: Cookies 

Max Mickle 

Booth Coordinator 

How excited are you for show night? “It’s gonna be a good one, nobody’s stressed at all!” 

Favorite Color: Blue 

Julianna Mullen 

Playbill, backstage techie

How has Clue been going? “It’s been hectic but a lot of fun! We have a lot of new talent in the cast and new faces in tech and it has been exciting to form those new bonds and see everyone learn everything.” 

Favorite Song: “Everywhere, Everything” by Noah Kahan         

Christine Smith 

Tech Liaison 

How has Clue been going? “There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing.” – Brian Tracy 

Favorite Food: Shrimp Scampi 

Angelina Velez 

Manager of Set 

What has it been like overseeing the technical build? “Clue is really a whodunnit for set!” 

Favorite Color: Green 

Drew Yelton 

SFX and Playbill  

What line from Clue reflects your experience? “Smile, when your heart is breaking… smile…” -Wadsworth 

Favorite Song: “Without Me” by Eminem