Twitter is shutting down

Twitter is shutting down

Lindsey Dettloff, Copy Editor

Twitter users are up in arms as rumors of a shutdown have spread across the internet. But are these rumors reality? Is Twitter shutting down? 

Not exactly. The rumors started after employees at the offices began to resign. The mass resignation took place as Elon Musk has begun his takeover of the company. His intense new vision for the company – including an ultimatum to commit to “Twitter 2.0” – inspired workers to leave the company. This has prompted Musk to close offices to all employees with a plan to reopen on Monday, November 21st 

Users have noticed the site is not functioning as smoothly as usual. With all the issues, more people are flocking to the platform which has only caused more problems for Twitter. With the departure of many engineers, the systems have been left vulnerable. Online harassment, misinformation, and fake accounts are anticipated now that over 50% of Twitter staff has left. 

However, there is no need to panic. Musk tweeted out last night that “[they] just hit another all-time high in Twitter usage lol.” Twitter is more popular than ever and is here to stay. While they are working out the kinks, it seems that Musk’s “hardcore” vision will become a reality in the near future.