Big Brother season 25 has been running since August 2nd, causing the houseguests to remain inside the home for 100 days (about 3 and a half months) – the longest season yet.
From the first boot, Kirsten Elwin, to the last boot, Bowie Jane, these contestants played their hearts out. Some contestants found someone to keep their heart happy during those 100 days. Two showmances emerged, but both were completely removed by day 86.
Jared Fields, the counterpart to one showmance, was a controversial character during this season. Despite being in a showmance, he had a long-term girlfriend at home watching. His mother, Cirie Fields, long-time reality tv contestant (competing in Survivor four times), was also in the house.
Despite being given an unfair advantage, Jared only lasted for 58 days (about 2 months). Cirie Fields lasted until the final 5, being evicted on day 93, ending the mother-son duo’s run only a week before the finale.
The final three consisted of Bowie Jane, Australian DJ; Matt Koltz, Deaflympics gold medalist; and Jag Baines, truck company owner. Fan-favorite, Matt Koltz, placed second in a vote of 2-5.
To break down their gameplay in simple terms, houseguests described Bowie Jane as boring, useless, and undeserving. In her defense, Bowie Jane has won three head of household competitions, making her a somewhat important player. However, many fans agree her efforts were nullified by her inability to make tough decisions for her own game. She instead played in favor of Jag and Matt, which unfortunately caused her to gain little notoriety from fellow houseguests.
Matt Koltz had an impressive social game, making no enemies throughout his time in the house and winning one head of household competition and two veto competitions. He made strong allies in the jury and, despite his disability, performed well in competitions. Fellow houseguests would describe him as nice and funny.
Jag Baines was considered an ultimate competition beast, winning three head of household competitions and six veto competitions. Fellow houseguests simply described him as a winner, someone they thought would win the entire game if he were not voted out soon. On day 30, Jag was formally voted out. However, Matt used his advantage gained by winning a separate competition to keep Jag in the game. For that reason, many argue Jag owes his entire game to Matt.
Prior to the final jury vote, fans believed Bowie Jane had a 0% chance of winning, Jag had a 25% chance of winning and Matt had a 75% chance of winning the entire game.
Matt won the first head of household competition for the final three, allowing him to play in the final one. Jag and Bowie Jane competed in the second head of household competition to decide who would face off with Matt in the final head of household competition. Jag won, allowing the final competition to come down to him and Matt.
During the final challenge that went down to a tiebreaker, Jag ended up victorious. This allowed Jag to be able to pick who he would take with him to face the jury. He decided to vote out Bowie Jane and take Matt with him to the final vote.
Fans believed in this scenario, Matt would win the vote, as he had a better social game. However, the jury had to agree that winning nine competitions was hard to beat.
The jury voted, five votes for Jag (Cameron, Blue, America, Cory, and Bowie Jane) and two votes for Matt (Felicia and Cirie.) This result was upsetting for many, as during the last few weeks, Jag had some questionable ideas for strategies. He decided to try and make Felicia, a senior citizen, sleep deprived so she would not be able to perform well in competitions, which is morally wrong on so many levels.
Either way, Jag came out with the win, gaining $750,000 for his efforts. Matt also gained $75,000 for coming in second and Cameron gained $50,000 for being voted America’s favorite houseguest. The best thing to come out of the finale was the announcement of Big Brother Reindeer Games, which is set to air December 11th.

Currently all we know about the Reindeer games is it will consist of Big Brother legends playing in different competitions.
We hope upcoming seasons have a better outcome for Big Brother fans, preferably the more likeable contestant winning.