During senior year, you’re consumed by lots of stress and responsibilities, being the “top dogs” of the school. College decisions, scholarships, and trying to cram every bit of remaining time with your friends before starting fresh can be very overwhelming. However, people seem to ignore the biggest producer of stress that has personally impacted my everyday life: the senior dance.
The Variety Show holds some of students’ and alumni’s favorite memories from this school; each show is its own individual moment in history that will be remembered forever. Sure, it’s an opportunity for people to show off their talents and whatever, but most importantly, if you’re a senior or a teacher, your dance skills are put on display. All eyes are on you: One mistake and you’re ruined for life.
This event is HUGE and should be taken very seriously by all the seniors.
I’ve been waiting for my time to shine on stage ever since I saw my first show sophomore year. I’ve adored the choreographers down the line, putting all their time and effort into this dance: Hannah Richard and Macy Budke, the first choreographers I saw who put together the dance in 2023, making me fall in love with this dazzling event; Chloe McCarthy and Raley Elliott, my idols from last year; and Sydney Grafton and Sarah Farally putting together MY own senior class dance. I try to keep my cool around them.
I’ve always wanted to secretly become a dancer, and this has given me my one shot for people to notice my amazing skills. I’ve spent countless nights staying up doing Just Dance in my basement to prepare for this moment, and now I have professional choreography to follow and pour my heart and soul into! The crowd will NOT be disappointed.
Well, the crowd won’t be disappointed with MY skills…everyone else isn’t taking this as seriously as me. “Ashley, it’s all just for fun,” “Ashley, it’s no big deal,” oh whatever! This is my – I mean, our – moment to shine! How many practices are we going to need to have before people can simply move on beat? Get your rhythm down, people!!
Beating the teachers in this epic dance battle is more difficult than one might think. They’ve obviously had years of experience from doing this for so long, and we just picked this up 2 weeks ago! Completely unfair, but it won’t drag me down, and I’m not letting the other seniors let me lose this.
Some may say I’m being a little too competitive with this, b I just like to think I’m hardworking with things I’m committed to. I think I’ll have to talk to the tech crew to put the spotlight only on me the whole time if we’re going to win this. Everyone else can simply be my backup dancers.
The Variety Show is this Friday, so I’ve barely had time to write this piece. I need to get back to practicing, which has been all my life recently. Eat. Sleep. Dance. Who cares about school? Everyone better come to see MY show on February 28th at 7:00. Tickets are on sale!