In the middle of this winter track season, there have been some exciting achievements from our very own Cougars including personal and school records.
However, Junior Amber Schauman is the most notable mention as she broke the school record that was last set 15 years ago in 2009 by Junior Janine York for the indoor 400-meter dash. She ran it in 1:06.91 which beats York’s record by less than a second!
Schauman always “[checks] to see what times [she has] to get for events to break a school record but [she] did not check for the 400m, so when [she] went to see what the record for the 4x400m was, [she] saw [her] name at the top for the 400m and [she] was very surprised.”
Schauman has been doing track since the spring of her freshman year – not including indoor. Last year she did participate in indoor, but her season got cut short due to an injury, so this is her first full year of indoor track. She has put in lots of work and showed up to all practices to train for her meets.
Schauman has always enjoyed running more than others typically would. “I always had to run for soccer and everyone on my team would always complain about it,” says Amber, “but I personally love running.”
Although she wasn’t given a reward other than the glory of her name at the top of the 4x400m list, she was very proud of her achievement and celebrated with her own 20 count nugget and large fry from McDonald’s. Way to go, Amber!