*Better* Miley Cyrus song ranking


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MILEY CYRUS PRESENTS STAND BY YOU — Pictured: Miley Cyrus — (Photo by: Vijat Mohindra/Peacock/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)

Emma Callahan, Staff Reporter

From forgetting Celine Dion on their “Top 200 Singers of All Time” list, to publishing a “50 Genuinely Horrible Albums by Brilliant Artists” list, Rolling Stone has produced some controversial opinions that have caused some backlash. And now, they are back at it again with “The 50 Best Miley Cyrus Songs.” And once again, people are mad.  

So, I have created a new ranking – a better ranking – of her top 15 songs. A ranking that doesn’t list “Wrecking Ball” as her number 1 song. I mean, what were they thinking? 

  1. “SMS (Bangerz)” ft. Britney Spears

Okay, this song is not the tone for the rest of the ranking. It is a clubbing song at heart, which normally I am not the biggest fan of, but the collaboration with Britney Spears makes it ten times better. Their two voices sound amazing together and was the mix we all needed.  

  1. “We Can’t Stop”

This song perfectly communicates the feelings that so many teenagers felt when it was dropped, and even now. The freedom that she communicates through this song was the turning point in her career where she really said, “I don’t care what you think, I’m gonna do me.” Though it is a party song at face value, it is truly so much more when you look at the lyrics. It is almost like she is reminding herself as well as all of her listeners to “forget the haters, ‘cause somebody loves you.”  

  1. “Party in the U.S.A”

What can I say other than this is the ultimate classic? While it may not make top ten, it is one of her most fun songs to date. It has been the American anthem for teenagers’ summers for years and has become a staple at every 4th of July party. When you hear this song you think of corn on the cob, burgers on the grill, and red, white, and blue napkins. It really does make you believe it’s always a “Party in the U.S.A.” 

  1. “Malibu”

Let’s be honest: It is impossible to go to the beach without playing this song at some point during the trip. It’s just impossible. It is the perfect summer song about being scared of falling but instead flying. “I always thought I would sink, so I never swam,” explains how she was scared of failing and so she didn’t allow herself to do things that she normally would, like swimming. However, the sunny feeling that comes from the music makes it perfect for the beach.  

  1. “Prisoner” ft. Dua Lipa

Miley Cyrus has a deep and raspy voice. Dua Lipa has a higher and clearer voice. Put the two together and what do you get? Perfection. Their voices together sound so good it is hard to put into words. The twist on a classic love song about their partner ‘holding their heart hostage’ sends all listeners into an episode of utter amazement.  

  1. “Midnight Sky”

If you are currently in need of a hype song to listen to while you’re getting ready to go out, this is it. This underrated song is a self-love song in a different capacity. “I was born to run, I don’t belong to anyone,” shows how free Cyrus is and how much she loves it. You could be in a perfectly happy relationship but still be belting that you “don’t need to be loved by [them].” 

  1. “The Best of Both Worlds”

When you think of Hannah Montana, this is the song you think of. Early Miley Cyrus is at her best here, describing how being an international sensation but having your identity remain hidden allows you to “be a small town girl but big time when you play your guitar.” And whether you want to admit it or not, we all know you know all of the lyrics.  

  1. “Plastic Hearts”

This song is fun to sing and dance to, making it the perfect song to put on your everyday playlist. Her voice sounds amazing against the electric guitar, and the lyrics are equally as good. “Plastic Hearts” can be listened to at any time of the year and is perfect for everyone. 

  1. “Jolene” (cover of Dolly Parton)

Dolly Parton, Cyrus’ godmother, was the original singer of this song. However, her goddaughter sang it live. Her raspy voice when she sings the name “Jolene” is raw and emotional, which makes it one of her best covers. When Parton sings the song, her voice is soft but loud and more lyrical, making it sound sadder and more desperate, but Cyrus’ twist on the classic makes it sound angrier and more annoyed.  

  1. “I’ll Always Remember You”

This song has been the background music for going away parties, coming home parties, and so much more for as long as it’s been recorded. Many have cried, rejoiced, and cried some more to this song which captures an interesting mix of her soft voice and slow guitar strums.  

  1. “Heart of Glass” (cover of Blondie)

Throughout her many covers, this one is her best without a doubt. The original song by Blondie is about the confusion of love. This rock n’ roll song was perfectly suited for her voice, and she made sure it stood out. Right out of the gate she slams down the first few lyrics all while a strong guitar is backing her up. She keeps the strong voice throughout the entire song, but the best part is undoubtedly the end where she is almost harmonizing.  It would have been a crime to list this cover any lower than number 5. 

  1. “Flowers”

Cyrus’ new release was dropped on January 12 and is the first single from her newest album Endless Summer Vacation, which drops on March 10. This is an anthem for self-love and knowing your worth, something that many struggle with. Trends have erupted on social media platforms, and single people have adopted this song as their theme. From the conspiracies surrounding the background of the song to the catchy melody, there are more than enough reasons to rank “Flowers” at number 4.  

  1. “Angels Like You”

    She’s really living her rockstar life. Photo courtesy of POPSUGARUK

“Angels Like You” is a mix between a self-hate song and a love song. Using phrases like “it’s not your fault I ruin everything” and “angels like you can’t fly down hell with me” shows her utter dislike for herself, showing that she does in fact think that she ruins everything. Cyrus is one of those artists who, no matter what, always faced criticism. The line where she admits that “[she’s] everything they said [she] would be” shows her true thoughts about herself. This song is one of her rawest and most emotional songs on the Plastic Hearts album, making it one of her best. 

  1. “Mother’s Daughter” 

This song is for all of you who know where you came from and are proud of it. For those of you whose motto is to “shake what your mama gave you,” “Mother’s Daughter” is all about how Cyrus is in fact her mother’s daughter, and because of that she is a bad ***** who you better not mess with. Her raspy voice on top of a strong beat makes for the perfect hype song for any daughter who is thankful for her genes.  

  1. “The Climb”

Though it was written and recorded by young Miley, this song has become one of her most motivational songs to date. So many, including myself, go to this song during a tough day to be reminded that “sometimes [we’re] gonna have to lose.” Cyrus’ voice in this record isn’t raspy like it is now and the high notes she hits are incredible. “The Climb” is definitely her best song lyrically and vocally and is the perfect song to put on when you need to be reminded that it’s all about the climb, not the destination.